Pediatric Dentistry / Pedodontics

in deontology Pediatric dentistry, called the pedodontics department, is a specialty that deals with the oral health of children. Dentist serving in the field of pediatric dental treatments; After 5 years of dentistry education, he is a person who has a master’s degree in the field of pedodontics and received a doctorate education. It provides services in many subjects such as dental development, oral disorders, routine examinations of children. A pediatric dentist is a specialist who plays a role in the diagnosis and treatment process for solving problems in the mouth and teeth of children. Pediatric dentists are concerned with solving and preventing problems in the teeth and mouth of children from birth to 12-13 years.

What is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry examines the diseases that occur in the primary and permanent teeth of children between the ages of 0 and 15. Pediatric dentistry is the science that protects and treats milk and permanent teeth. Shares the necessary work with families to protect children’s milk and permanent teeth and treats them when necessary. Pediatric dentistry conducts studies on many subjects from caries treatment in primary and permanent teeth to root canal treatment, tooth extraction and gingival care. Pediatric dentistry works in coordination and cooperates with other dentistry specialties when necessary.

Which age group is Pediatric Dentistry Suitable for Children?

Children aged 0-15 fall into the working area of pediatric dentistry. In this period, the period of toothlessness of children spreads over a long period of time, such as the period when milk teeth erupt and the period of mixed dentition.

What Treatments Does Pediatric Dentistry Cover?

Pediatric dentistry deals with the oral and dental problems of children between the ages of 0 and 15. In this context, pedodontists apply many treatments. Oral and dental treatments and related fields evaluated in terms of pediatric dentistry are as follows;

Fluorine Applications

In order to reduce the rate of tooth decay in children, fluoride treatment should be applied by specialist physicians in the field of pediatric dentistry. Fluoride makes the enamel layer it penetrates very susceptible to tooth decay. Fluoride is a mineral used to strengthen the tooth enamel of children or adults. This application is done because the enamel layer in milk teeth is thinner than in permanent teeth. Due to the high tendency of children to decay, tooth structure is strengthened with fluoride applications. Fluoride in the form of gel is applied to the teeth, and after about 4 minutes, the fluoride accumulated in the mouth is sprayed. Fluoride application is applied to children over 4 years old. In addition, the teeth with the highest risk of decay in children are the six-year-old teeth. It can also be applied to premolars when necessary. Fluoride is an element that prevents dental caries and strengthens the structure of teeth.

Fissure Sealant Application

Fissure is the name of the grooves on the tooth surface where bacteria accumulate because it is difficult to clean. The application is made by physicians specialized in pediatric dentistry. The grooves called fissures on the tooth surface are covered with gel.


In case of premature loss of milk teeth, placeholder paste is used to keep the alignment of the surrounding teeth intact and to ensure that the permanent teeth can erupt without any space problems. If there is no missing tooth, a placeholder is applied to protect the area. Depending on the number of missing teeth and the condition of the teeth, the brackets are fixed or movable.


Milk teeth fillings are preferred to protect both milk teeth and permanent teeth. The belief that milk teeth do not require treatment is wrong and if left untreated, it will cause serious problems in the long run. For this reason, filling of sensitive milk teeth is a treatment method that cannot be ignored, which prioritizes not damaging other teeth during the intervention.

Orthodontic Treatments

Early orthodontic treatments can be preferred by pediatric dentists if necessary. Orthodontic treatment can be planned before the child’s milk teeth fall out or before all permanent teeth erupt. In some cases, it is not necessary to wait for all of the child’s milk teeth to erupt before starting orthodontic treatment in children. Although orthodontic treatments can be used at any age, the duration of treatments started in the early stages is shortened.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a type of treatment that can be done to save milk teeth in children. It can be treated on the basis of prevention of loss of milk teeth. Root canal treatment should be done very sensitively. Since the roots of milk teeth are sensitive and much shorter than milk teeth, treatment should be done carefully and by pediatric dentists.

Amputation Treatment

Unlike root canal treatment, in this treatment, the infected, inflamed or decaying part is removed and the remaining part is left. If amputation treatment is not effective in children , root canal treatment or tooth extraction is performed.

What are the Most Common Oral and Dental Problems in Children?

Oral and dental problems can often be seen in children during growth and development. Common oral and dental problems faced by specialist doctors specializing in pediatric dentistry are as follows:

Baby Bottle Rot

One of the most common problems in pediatric dentistry is baby bottle caries. Babies can sometimes develop brown spots on the teeth shortly after teeth erupt. These teeth can break and fall out. In fact, these stains are decayed teeth and broken teeth due to caries. The cause of caries formation at such an early stage is called “bottle caries”.

Thumb Sucking

Another common problem seen by pediatric dentists is thumb sucking. Thumb sucking is quite common and young children can become a habit. It usually lasts until the age of four. The continuation of this habit in the age of permanent teething leads to deterioration of these teeth and palate structure. The cause of these disorders is the pressure of the fingers on the incisors and palate. To prevent such a habit, children should be actively encouraged, rewarded and guided without pressure. If your child does not stop this habit until the age of 6, it is recommended that you get professional help from a dentist who is a specialist in pediatric dentistry.

Tooth Sensitivity

Another dental problem that pediatric dentists frequently encounter is early tooth sensitivity. Children’s enamel is thinner than adult tooth enamel. For this reason, tooth enamel in children is much more susceptible to wear and sensitivity. As a result of the erosion of the tooth enamel, the problem of tooth decay begins. In addition to tooth loss in children, it also causes nutritional problems.

What Should You Know About Child Dentistry?

Early diagnosis and diagnosis are important in pediatric dental treatment. It is very important for families, children and doctors to diagnose some dental and oral problems in children in the earliest period. Thanks to the early diagnosis of a dental problem by the pedodontist, the financial and moral burden of families is reduced. Children may tend to go to the doctor with higher motivation as the treatment period will be shortened. Early diagnosis also increases the success and satisfaction rate in treatment.

Why is Pediatric Dentistry Important?

The development of the mouth and teeth begins from childhood. Some genetic factors can cause various oral and dental disorders. For this reason, it is very important to diagnose this condition in a timely pediatric dentistry clinic in order to detect disorders in the tooth structure and jawbone and apply early treatment.

Pediatric dentists regularly monitor the oral and dental development of children and not only interfere with the tooth structure at this stage, but also closely follow the bone development in the maxillofacial region from early childhood. Thanks to this regular monitoring and diagnosis process, the importance of pediatric dentistry is revealed. Oral and dental problems are diagnosed in the early period by closely monitoring and future problems can be prevented. Pediatric dentistry applies observation and treatment not only in bone, jaw or tooth structure disorders, but also in general examinations related to carious teeth, milk teeth and oral care.

At Klinik34, where dentists specialized in pediatric dentistry are present, the latest and up-to-date treatment methods are applied for pediatric patients. You can get support from our pediatric dentists, who are trained at an international level and can apply this to all patients with years of experience. You can come to Klinik34 for all dental and oral health treatments and professional applications required for your child and have all the necessary procedures done safely.